The stove

View to the bathroom

Some work required

Light switch

Evidence of a distant modernity

Maylandia,pyrsontos,Nakantenga IslandThe fish that I drove all the way to Liverpool to get finally blooms into colour. Hurray!

This summer I went on another lovely walk with my delightful girlfriend, but this time on London’s South Bank, transformed into a smorsgabord of clowns and other fools.

It seems at least one person enjoys the policeman’s baton. Perhaps a formative moment for an anarchist in waiting?

The embrace of a dancing mannequin seems a jovial tragedy. I just hope this guy isn’t too into the method.

These guys were doing lots of jumping around with the finale being some guy fitting himself into an oversized Fray Bentos pie tray. I’ve seen better though, specifically an outfit that performed a similar act outside a pub in Holborn but with more drums. It’s all about multimedia these days lads.
Of course the child is unimpressed; this is all nonsense. Take her to something she will appreciate. Like the opera. Or Crufts.

I have been playing with the exposure time on the camera to get some more abstract images.

The first one is a girl with a guitar at Kings Cross Station, predictably trying to get away from me as quickly as possible. Yes I know the saturation trick to highlight the red is a bit cheesy. But it’s good cheese, like the stuff you get on the moon. None of this french shit.

And here’s some douche bag with grey hair and a grey suit going forward to reveal his blue sky thinking with a synergistic modus operandi. Good for him. I have also dicked about with the colour balance to make things look a bit more weird.

This house is at 101 Walsworth Road, Hitchin and has some really random stuff outside it. I have no idea what this thing is. It’s made out of metal, probably brass and appears to be very sturdy indeed. If I were to guess it’s purpose, I would say it’s a bell. Others think it’s a water container of some sort. I’m not convinced by that – there’s an attachment at the top. You could feasibly tie it to something if it were hollow, but not if it were full of water.

The next item of weirdness is this door knocker. I would guess it’s japanese, but I know it’s not the kind of thing I want to see on an acid trip.

I found this browsing wordpress and was dead impressed!

This is a series of photos that I took at the Tate Modern at the beginning of the year. I hadn’t had the camera long and did a pretty poor job, all the pictures were very dark and a bit out of focus. However going with the low fidelity grain and grunging up the pictures has yielded some reasonable results.

The first photo is a few gormless randoms milling around the turbine hall. The main exhibit thing was a giant box.

You could enter the giant box via a giant ramp. As you walked further into the box the light petered out completely. An unnerving sensory experience for many people, mostly due to fear of inadvertently groping someone trying to find a wall.

This image shows an old man travelling at speed. He’s not ludicrously overdressed, it really was that cold! It’s not as desaturated as it looks either. The concrete had a funny way of sucking the colour of everything.

Here’s a picture of a set of stairs somewhere in the gallery. All the shadows coming out at different angles caught my eye. I wonder if it’s deliberate…

…but I wish I did